Magical Enchantment

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NoxiousOT has a special system of Magical Enchantment. Most wearable items (weapons, helmets, shields, armors, legs, ...) can be magically enchanted. A magical enchant gives additional stats to the item, such as increased distance skill or increased hitpoints. You can either loot magical items, or enchant them yourself. An already enchanted item cannot be re-enchanted, nor can the enchant be removed. The only exception to this is the Kings Relic: while the enchant can not be removed, it can be given a different enchant for an unlimited amount of times.

While you're wearing an enchanted item

Possible Attributes

There are a couple types of magical enchants that you can have while wearing an enchanted item. For each of these types, the amount of the stat can depends on luck ranging from a "common" stat to a "legendary" stat. For each type, the minimum and maximum values can vary:

Common Uncommon Rare Elite Legendary
Distance 1 2-3 4 5-6 7-8
Armor 1-2 3-4 5 6-7 8-10


When killing any monster, most wearable items has a chance to have been "magically enchanted" and have

