Magical Enchantment

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NoxiousOT has a special system of Magical Enchantment. Most wearable items (weapons, helmets, shields, armors, legs, ...) can be magically enchanted. A magical enchant gives additional attributes to the item, such as increased distance skill, increased hitpoints or a faster attack rate. You can either loot magical items, or enchant them yourself. An already enchanted item cannot be re-enchanted, nor can the enchant be removed. The only exception to this is the Kings Relic: while the enchant can not be removed, it can be given a different enchant for an unlimited amount of times.

While you're wearing an enchanted item, the attribute that it has is applied to your character stats until you take the item off again. For the attribute to be applied to your character, the item has to be worn in the correct slot. For example: wearing a helmet with +5 distance skill in your hand will not increase your distance skill by 5. It has to be placed in your helmet slot.

Possible Attributes

There are a couple attributes that you can have while wearing an enchanted item. For each of these attributes, the amount of permanent increase on the magical item depends on luck. Increases range from a "common" attribute to a "legendary" attribute. For each attribute, the minimum and maximum values vary.

An enchanted item has either 1 or 2 attributes (a "prefix" and a "suffix" in the item's name). In the case of having 2 attributes, the attributes can be the same or different ones and are not otherwise connected to each other. You can have a legendary and a common attribute on the same item.

This table explains the minimum and maximum values of enchantment with a certain attribute, linked to how rare the value is:

Common Uncommon Rare Elite Legendary
Damage 1 2-3 4 5-6 7-8
Armor 1-2 3-4 5 6-7 8-10
Defense 2-4 5-6 7-9 10-12 13-14
Shielding 1 2 3 4 5-6
Skill 1 2 3 4 5
Distance 1 2 3 4 5
Magic 1 2 3 4 5
Attack Speed 5-10% 10-15% 15-18% 18-27% 27-40%
Hit Chance 1-2% 3-4% 5-6% 7-8% 9-10%
Regeneration 2-5 6-8 9-12 13-16 17-22
Speed 4-8 9-14 15-20 21-30 31-50
Health 10-20 21-25 26-40 41-60 61-80
Mana 20-49 50-69 70-99 100-129 130-160


When killing any monster, most wearable loot has a chance to have been "magically enchanted" and have one of the above statistics. The chance of a looted item having a magical enchant depends on the Magic Find of the person who hit the monster last. Magic Find does not determine the rarity of the attribute applied to it. The rarity of the attribute is completely random.

Looted items can be converted to 2 Magical Dust by salvaging it. 100 Magical Dust can be converted to an Orb of Enchantment at the Magical Dust Exchanger.


Most wearable equipment can be enchanted by using an Orb of Enchantment on it. When the orb is used on it, it will disappear. The item it has been used on will now have one or two magical attributes. The received attributes and the rarity are completely randomly assigned.

Items that have been enchanted with an Orb of Enchantment can be converted to 50 Magical Dust by salvaging it. 100 Magical Dust can be converted to an Orb of Enchantment at the Magical Dust Exchanger.


The only item that can be re-enchanted after it has been enchanted previously is the Kings Relic. No other item can be re-enchanted once it has received at least one attribute either through enchanting or by having been looted as an enchanted item. You can use an Orb of Enchantment on the Kings Relic unlimited times. Please note however that you will need a new Orb of Enchantment every time: the orb will disappear after it has been used.